A New Feature

You'll notice a new "E-mail Me" button in the sidebar. It's something I've wanted to add for a while and I finally made it happen this weekend. This button is designed to provide you with a way to let me know what you're thinking, and what content you'd find useful on this blog.

Currently I post about things that are on my mind, which I think will be useful to readers. I generally post twice per week, and at any given time I have an additional 4-8 ideas of things to post about in a file. Some of those ideas never make it to print because better ideas come along, so there's always stuff to write about!

However, while this blog is certainly a reflection of my own thinking, it was never designed to be only that. My goal for this blog is to create a useful resource for you, it's readers. To provide content that will stimulate people's minds, encourage their thinking, and deepen their faith. All themed around my passion for Christian theology and comparative worldviews.

But in order to be the most useful resource it can be, I need to hear from you! Recently two different church members, independent of one another, asked me "hey, are you considering discussing the topic of _________ on your blog?" In one case the topic was something I hadn't even thought about blogging on, but I'd be happy to if people were interested. That made me wonder how many other topics are out there that I might not be thinking of, but should be.

SO, let me know! If you'd like to see something here just hit the button and zip me an e-mail. Depending on the topic and interest level you may just see it in a future post!


Ken said...

Wow. That's quite the ad. Too bad it's your own. When I ran my college newspaper, we would have sold that space for about $400 or so a week

Matt Guerino said...

Wow, $400 clams a week is some real cabbage. I never thought about the cash potential. Tell you what: I can make up a whizbang button for you and post it here if you'd like. For a small fee of course...

Just kidding!

Ken said...

If you ran the ad, maybe you could use it to help bridge the gap in your Peet's deliveries...

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